Our chiropractic mission is to take each person to a greater state of health, wellness and quality of life so they can express their true potential.

About Us

Joshua Wellness Practice provides neurologically based chiropractic care for individuals and families.
Our chiropractic mission is to take each person to a greater state of health, wellness and quality of life so they can express their true potential.
This is done through utilising modern, gentle and effective techniques, which are supported by an up to date computerised neurological and physiological assessment.

What is a wellness lifestyle?

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Latest Blog Posts

February 26, 2025

The cost of hidden stress

The body is governed by natures laws, which if we break or get repeatedly wrong, then good health is the cost to be paid. Science has established several decades ago now that stress is the primary contributing factor in over 90% of illness. This far outweighs the “blame your genes” thinking in medicine. Stress impacts the way the brain coordinates every part of you and every function within you. Some stressors are more obvious than others and some stressors we cause ourselves through lifestyle choices and habits. Most people know that for a healthy brain and body we […]
November 7, 2024
scenic sunrise above fishing boats in Rawai seasmall fishing boat on Rawai beach

Rising with the Tide

It is inevitable that we will face stress, often ongoing stress in our life, especially in modern city based living. Most of the symptoms that my practice members come in for are a result of their brain and nervous system becoming overwhelmed by these stressors instead of them being able to “rise with the tide” of them. There has been research around for more than 20yrs telling us that most chronic health issues people face have stress as their primary contributing factor but even with that being a fact there are still things we can all do to […]
October 30, 2024

The power of you

We never know how far reaching something we may think, say or do today  will affect the lives of millions tomorrow –  BJ Palmer Many people underestimate the power they possess. That they have the ability to help others and change the world they live in through their thoughts, words and actions. If we were to strip life down to its essentials, the most precious thing a person can have would be their health and quality of life. Yet in this modern world this is the exact thing that is eluding a growing number of people. Perhaps one of […]
October 23, 2024
Brain Health

Hints for Brain Health

Simplifying what may hurt the health of the brain can come down to two things. Things that decrease blood flow to the brain. Things that cause inflammation to the brain, especially unregulated and chronic inflammation in the body via infections, digestive challenges, autoimmune conditions, and allergies. This chronic inflammation in the body ends up in the brain. Physical trauma, accidents, mild and major concussions from sports, falls and motor vehicle accidents (including whiplash without hitting the head),forward head posture often driven by screen time , excessive phone and computer use and even excessive exercise. Chemical toxicity from both […]

"As a child grows and develops both mentally and physically, it is vital that their nervous system is working free of interference."

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