Hijacked by stress


Anxiety is your brain being hijacked by stress. It is a brain that is over-stimulated; needing rest. The stress may be real or imagined. Unfortunately the brains activation of the survival fight or flight response will happen regardless. It does not differentiate between real or imagines stress.

The constant activation of the stress response over time causes changes in the brain. The brain rewires to become more sensitive to stress and any over-stimulation off the sensors (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch) will reinforce the symptoms of anxiety.

This is why you cannot get better in the same environment that got you sick. You have to make changes. Changes that allow your sensors to rest, unwind and the brain to relax, reset and begin to once again thrive verses survive.

Blog-6_quoteStress hijacks the brain and leads to anxiety. The stress may be a big single event or a build up of many smaller things. Stress can also be mental, emotional, chemical or physical. These can occur within you or around you within your environment. They may be deliberate lifestyle choices or unwitting changes that have come along with modern life.
Learning to value rest and relaxation to allow the brain time to unwind and reset is not being lazy but a  key important piece in overcoming a hijacked brain that led to anxiety in the first place. As the brain wires to what you repeat, continuing the same lifestyle that allowed the brain to be over-stimulated and repeatedly in survival mode must stop for a person to get better. Learning to meditate which promotes rest and relaxation will provide the environment within the brain for it to repair, repeating this over time will allow the recovery to express into a greater state of health physically, mentally and emotionally.

You possess the power within you to reverse and overcome a brain hijacked by stress.

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