Healthy Brain : Healthy Body


It is always dangerous to over simplify how our complex body works but the brain is often referred to as the master control system for the body.

This means that a healthy brain leads to a healthy body.

Following this thought further then by choosing lifestyle habits that promote greater brain health function and shunning choices that detract form promoting greater brain health should take on a higher value.

imagesMy time as a chiropractor I have seen that when I direct my adjustments towards improving a persons brain function over just the area of symptoms, the improved brain function leads to healing the body’s symptom anyway.

Combining this brain health approach to chiropractic and encouraging home care and lifestyle choices that equally promote greater brain function leads not only to speedy symptom recovery but also lays the foundation for greater longevity in quality of life and increased resilience to stressors that are going to faced in life.

The greater the resilience and adaptability a person can build into their brain function will often be reflected in both the number and quality of years in their life.

Is it time we all took a new look at the importance of promoting brain health rather than just living life suppressing or numbing symptoms?

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