Brain Reserve


cognitvereserve-771x1024The concept of brain reserve refers to the amount of functional adaptability and back up your brain has when faced with stressors whether they be physical, chemical, mental or emotional in nature.

Though out all of our life we will think and do things that either enhance brain reserve or deplete it. A head knock in the play ground or on a sporting field might be an example of a physical stressor that depletes brain reserve yet learning and mastering a new physical skill or task could be an example of enhancing brain reserve. More examples of chemical, mental and emotional stressors that detract from brain reserve might be eating too much processed and sugary foods, unrealistic deadlines at work or expectations you place upon yourself and relationship issues.

Positive inputs into brain reserve here might be eating a mainly natural healthy diet, working in a job you love with a good work/life balance, being able to forgive yourself when you don’t meet your own expectations and being nurtured through healthy loving relationships.

A persons brain reserve largely come down to what you repeat though out your life. Not necessarily about doing everything perfectly all the time but perusing a life rich in habits that promote healthy brain function more of the time.

Learning to become more interested in whether the choices, activities and habits you make, undertake and repeat promote greater brain health or not could be and excellent place to start and buck the trend of declining brain reserve that is leading to many of the chronic health conditions people have already began to suffer from this century in record numbers.

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