Hints for Brain Health

Brain Health

Simplifying what may hurt the health of the brain can come down to two things.

  1. Things that decrease blood flow to the brain.
  2. Things that cause inflammation to the brain, especially unregulated and chronic inflammation in the body via infections, digestive challenges, autoimmune conditions, and allergies. This chronic inflammation in the body ends up in the brain.

Physical trauma, accidents, mild and major concussions from sports, falls and motor vehicle accidents (including whiplash without hitting the head),forward head posture often driven by screen time , excessive phone and computer use and even excessive exercise.

Chemical toxicity from both foods , ingested foods and cosmetics/lotions applied on the body. Remember what you rub or put on your body ends up going into the body!

Mental and emotional stress also decreases blood flow to the front portion of the brain while impacting the cardiovascular, immune, digestive and hormonal systems that can eventually lead to chronic unregulated inflammatory conditions.

Brain HealthLoving your brain for good health requires you to promote optimal blood flow to the brain while minimising inflammation. Finding the balance of movement, exercise to promote healthy blood flow and rest, relaxation time the body to recover is one part. Eating mostly fresh organically grown foods where possible while minimising processed, and sugary foods.

Looking at the labels of the cosmetics and lotions you may apply to your skin. If they are ladened with chemicals this will build an internal toxic load creating increase inflammation.

Creating daily times where you rest, meditate and breathe slow and deeply all have been shown to support mental and emotional health, while increasing blood flow to the brain and reducing inflammation in the body.

Learning to love your brain and implement brain healthy habits can be simple but require a bit of diligence initially but your brain health and quality of life will thank you for it.

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