Health Tips

March 12, 2025

The next Internet Miracle Supplement

What role might brain based chiropractic play in helping nutritional supplements work better for you? Your brain coordinates every part of your body and every function it does. One of these functions your brain coordinates is digestion. Your digestive system is where you breakdown and absorb the foods and nutritional supplements you put in your mouth.  So it stands to reason that if your digestive system is not working optimally, any orally taken food, supplement or medication may not be absorbed correctly, altering its effectiveness and intended outcome. Stressed brain patterns shut down optimal digestive function. It reduces […]
March 5, 2025

The importance of non visible light

Are you aware that non visible light spectrum’s infrared (IR) & ultra violet (UV) are essential nutrients for good health? Missing out on these non visible light spectrums has become one of the more modern hidden stressors. When a person has a lack of exposure to natural sunlight or blocks too much natural sunlight with sunscreens and sunglasses deprives the brain and body of these essential non visible light spectrums. Add to this the increase of ALAN (artificial light at night) through modern living placing a stress on circadian rhythm. Modern LED light bulbs and device screens emit […]
February 26, 2025

The cost of hidden stress

The body is governed by natures laws, which if we break or get repeatedly wrong, then good health is the cost to be paid. Science has established several decades ago now that stress is the primary contributing factor in over 90% of illness. This far outweighs the “blame your genes” thinking in medicine. Stress impacts the way the brain coordinates every part of you and every function within you. Some stressors are more obvious than others and some stressors we cause ourselves through lifestyle choices and habits. Most people know that for a healthy brain and body we […]
November 7, 2024
scenic sunrise above fishing boats in Rawai seasmall fishing boat on Rawai beach

Rising with the Tide

It is inevitable that we will face stress, often ongoing stress in our life, especially in modern city based living. Most of the symptoms that my practice members come in for are a result of their brain and nervous system becoming overwhelmed by these stressors instead of them being able to “rise with the tide” of them. There has been research around for more than 20yrs telling us that most chronic health issues people face have stress as their primary contributing factor but even with that being a fact there are still things we can all do to […]

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