Health Tips

October 30, 2024

The power of you

We never know how far reaching something we may think, say or do today  will affect the lives of millions tomorrow –  BJ Palmer Many people underestimate the power they possess. That they have the ability to help others and change the world they live in through their thoughts, words and actions. If we were to strip life down to its essentials, the most precious thing a person can have would be their health and quality of life. Yet in this modern world this is the exact thing that is eluding a growing number of people. Perhaps one of […]
October 23, 2024
Brain Health

Hints for Brain Health

Simplifying what may hurt the health of the brain can come down to two things. Things that decrease blood flow to the brain. Things that cause inflammation to the brain, especially unregulated and chronic inflammation in the body via infections, digestive challenges, autoimmune conditions, and allergies. This chronic inflammation in the body ends up in the brain. Physical trauma, accidents, mild and major concussions from sports, falls and motor vehicle accidents (including whiplash without hitting the head),forward head posture often driven by screen time , excessive phone and computer use and even excessive exercise. Chemical toxicity from both […]
September 25, 2024
Brain Reserve empty


A new study has ranked Australians at the highest risk of burnout, with 1 in 2 of us suffering from its impact on our health. Burnout is when demands of a situation or environment begin to outweigh our internal and external resources to adapt. It is the result of excessive and prolonged stress leaving a person feeling mentally exhausted and devoid of motivation. The feeling of pressures being more than a person can handle triggers the brain to activate the survival fight or flight stress response. When the body sits in a chronic state of stress the body’s […]

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