Fix it

Mother holding her newborn baby

Are you a “fix it” only when it breaks or hurts? What about preventative maintenance  or even wellness care?

How you utilise chiropractic care reveals the value you place on your health and quality of life.

For some, they will only pay attention to their health when it hurts or doesn’t work properly. Often they ignore early warning signals and even mask or numb the symptoms through taking drugs and then push on doing the very lifestyle choices that created the problem.

There are those who understand the importance of maintenance care. Where they do enough to keep the symptoms at bay. A bit like treading water to keep your head from going under but never enough to be to far from danger. It is certainly better than ignoring the symptoms of declining health as it shows a mindset that health is something that requires the right input. Things like healthy lifestyle choices and habits, which regular chiropractic care can be one.

Mother holding her newborn babyThen there is wellness care. Aiming for peak performance. A mindset that values quality of life, growth and forward progress. The making of choices around lifestyle that isn’t about just preventing symptoms and illness but promoting optimal function and quality of life. Building knowledge of what is good for promoting better health and having the discipline to repeat them so they become a lifestyle and habit. These disciplines are the very thing that create the freedom enjoyed with health and wellness.

These are choices but how you choose to utilise chiropractic care reflects on the perspective you have on life and the value you place on being healthy and well.

Joshua Wellness Practice is set up to offer people the opportunity to pursue optimal health, wellness and quality of life. I do this through a brain based chiropractic approach to your care and lifestyle recommendations that support your efforts to achieve this.

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