Healing beyond comfort


As modern humans we are afforded creature comforts that previous generations haven’t had the luxury of but has this become a two edged sword that has driven unforeseen consequences.

I think we can all agree that being in pain is not enjoyable but is there a difference between pain and being uncomfortable.

Brain function research seems to show that learning to push to the boundaries of our comfort levels for short periods of time may help spur on healthy brain development in the area of pain/pleasure balance.

One example is the current trend of cold therapy where finishing a shower 4-5 times a week for 30sec to a minute on complete cold has a positive impact on mental and emotional health as well as the energy component of the cells know as mitochondria.

For many they may recoil at the thought of this cold shower but it is the same concept as a person who goes to the gym and pushes themself with exercise to create a positive healthy response both mentally and physically. It may not feel good while doing it but the benefits come afterwards.

Through modern pharmaceutical development we can have access to powerful pain suppressing drugs which has lead to a mindset for many that any and all pain, physical or emotional, even only at mild discomfort levels is bad and should be taken away or avoided but nature and good health may not fully agree with this thinking.

images-2The rise of chronic illnesses and mental health challenges is at never seen before levels which for me begs the question have we got the mindset around the pain and pleasure balance wrong.

If we can differentiate that discomfort and pain are two different things and that short term, controlled discomfort like a 30 sec cold shower leads to positive benefits for brain and body functions we may once again be able to promote greater health and optimal function naturally. For me this is a far smarter option rather than reaching for a pain killer or setting up our life to avoid anything we find uncomfortable and challenging.

Learning to adopt a mindset that better health can exist just beyond our comfort zone may lead to embracing lifestyle changes that promote new levels of resilience, wellbeing and quality of life.

Can you find your healing just beyond comfort?

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