The Art of Rest

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Can you embrace the art of rest? Our modern world is a continual stimulation experience both consciously and subconsciously. Our sensors are constantly being bombarded by stimuli whether we realise it or not. Partly this is due to the pace of life and partly influenced by technology. 

girl-smelling-admiring-roses-woman-260nw-1733772842.jpg copyTechnology that can fill a five minute spot with a distracting video or a 10 minute walk with music or a favourite podcast. We have technology now that can made midnight as bright as midday allowing us to cram more into our waking hours. Yet the body requires rest, sleep and downtime to recharge as much as it needs activity to thrive. This is were learning the art of rest in this modern age is going to become critical if you are to enjoy good health and quality of life.
The art of rest is learning how to say “no” to one thing so you can say “yes” to something else, not just bounce from one activity to the next. Rest is about slowing the pace of life, like the old saying of “stopping to smell the roses”. Taking time to enjoy the journey rather than being in a hurry to arrive at the destination to do the next thing.

Rest is about finding balance within your day and night. Learning to enjoy the slower  pace of nature over modern living. Maybe it is time to try turning off the lights earlier at night to embrace the nurturing benefits that regular good nights sleep can bring.

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