The importance of non visible light


Are you aware that non visible light spectrum’s infrared (IR) & ultra violet (UV) are essential nutrients for good health?

Missing out on these non visible light spectrums has become one of the more modern hidden stressors.

When a person has a lack of exposure to natural sunlight or blocks too much natural sunlight with sunscreens and sunglasses deprives the brain and body of these essential non visible light spectrums.


Add to this the increase of ALAN (artificial light at night) through modern living placing a stress on circadian rhythm. Modern LED light bulbs and device screens emit high blue light spectrum without the balancing impact of the IR & UV spectrum. This is leading to blue light toxicity and correlates with the increase in modern chronic mental and physical health conditions.
A moderate amount of natural sunlight each day is essential to support optimal health. For people who might be scared of direct sunlight, sitting outside in the shade with green plants around will still allow you to get the benefits of these essential non visible light spectrums. You can even be inside by an open window and get the benefits.

Research into modern LED lighting is pointing out the need for more adequate daily exposure to sunlight. Unlike the LED’s exposure to sunlight is  where a person is receiving the full spectrum of visible and non visible frequencies. Added to this adequate sunlight exposure the research is also showing that we as humans need more darkness at night.

Light is another part of nature where if we are breaking its natural laws, our mental and physical health suffers. Balancing sunlight during the day with darkness at night, the way nature intended may just recede a modern hidden stress and lead you towards optimising your health and wellbeing.

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