The next Internet Miracle Supplement


What role might brain based chiropractic play in helping nutritional supplements work better for you?

Your brain coordinates every part of your body and every function it does. One of these functions your brain coordinates is digestion. Your digestive system is where you breakdown and absorb the foods and nutritional supplements you put in your mouth. 

brain-gut-connectionSo it stands to reason that if your digestive system is not working optimally, any orally taken food, supplement or medication may not be absorbed correctly, altering its effectiveness and intended outcome.
Stressed brain patterns shut down optimal digestive function. It reduces the amount of acid released into the stomach to breakdown food. This for many people is the underlying cause for their reflux. Stress patterns within the brain also lead to changes in motility (speed of movement) in the small and large bowels. This is where much of the nutrient absorption takes place. These stressed brain patterns also reduce the blood flow around the digestive tract, adding to the impact on nutrient absorption. Yet another impact of stressed brain patterns on the gut is that it can lead to an altered microbiome or the balance of gut bacteria, which is an important part of optimal digestion.

 For me, logically this means that prior to reaching for the next internet miracle nutritional supplement you should first address any stress brain patterns that have been formed. Optimising brain patterns first can allow the digestive system to heal and work the way it is intended to allowing for that miracle internet supplement to work to its potential for you or you may even find you don’t need it after all.

Nature needs no help just no interference. Many modern lifestyles place a person under ongoing chronic stress leading to the formation of survival brain patterns. This can happen without you being  conscious of these building stressors but the cost of not noticing them may just be the function of your digestive system causing you to chase the next miracle internet supplement. 

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