Your perception is your reality


If you spend each day in a rush, frustrated and angry in traffic or by dead lines at work, overwhelmed by what you have to get done or achieve, this will build negative thoughts, emotions and the survival fight or flight chemicals in the body. 

Eventually this will catch up and be expressed in some way within your health. This could be a physical, chemical or mental illness. The reality of these symptoms will only reinforce a perception that your body is weak, fragile and you are unwell unless you choose to alter this belief.

Arriving at a cross road of health that the thoughts, beliefs and actions you have used to get to this point have been less than successful, you have a choice and opportunity to change.

1525428761760Change isn’t always easy or comfortable and will require the addition of new knowledge to breakdown old beliefs and thought patterns followed by patience and persistence over time to reverse the damage and renew your mind and body.

Learning to embrace a new and different way of thinking and doing things will be the way to change the reality of failing health or quality of life. 

Beginning with a new perspective that you are capable of healing, worthy of health and happiness is the first step in creating your new reality. Each small step is going to reinforce that your new perspective is creating this new reality and spurring you on to continue your push and growth in this change. We need to realise that your health and quality of life does depend on it.

Can you embrace a new perspective to create a healthier reality for yourself?

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